Latest News
We would like to keep our patients, families and professionals up to date with the latest developments in our research.
We may sometimes highlight particular “news reports” that may appear in the media, as there may be general points that are worth emphasising or challenging.
May 2016
Healthcare Professionals Leaflet
Our leaflet for healthcare professionals is now available (click here to read 'Genetic Causes of Severe Obesity: What Does This Mean?'). It aims to answer some of the questions a healthcare professional may face when supporting and caring for patients/families with a possible genetic cause for their severe obesity.
Apr 2016
Speech - Trinity Hall Cambridge
Jacek Mokrosinski, a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Professor Farooqi's group gave a talk at Trinity Hall, the fifth oldest college in Cambridge (founded in 1350). The audience were postdoctoral scientists and graduate students of the College, attending the inauguration of the Trinity Hall postdoctoral seminar series.
Mar 2016
Stem Cell Research
One of the challenges when studying genes that cause weight problems has been to find a way to unravel their function by using research in the laboratory. This can often involve working with cells that behave in a way that mirrors or models how real cells work in the body. Stem cells have the ability to grow into different types of cells (heart, kidney, brain cells) in the laboratory and so can be used to study and perhaps in the future, to treat, a variety of medical conditions.
Feb 2016
Exchanges at The Frontier
Professor Sadaf Farooqi featured in an episode of Exchanges at The Frontier, broadcast by the BBC World Service on 20th Feb 2016.
Jan 2016
Happy New Year
Professor Farooqi and the GOOS team would like to wish all of our many Collaborators, Colleagues, Patients and their Families a very Happy New Year.
Dec 2015
Winter Newsletter Out Now
Our Winter 2015/16 newsletter is out now. You can read it online by visiting our Newsletters page, or subscribe by email to have it sent to you.
Nov 2015
Team News
One of our team, Elena Bochukova, will be taking up a position as a Lecturer in the Centre for Genomics at the Blizard Institute, part of Barts and The Royal London School of Medicine.
Oct 2015
Principal Research Nurse
We are delighted to share some great team news. In recognition of her expanded role within the team, Julia Keogh has recently been awarded a promotion by the University of Cambridge to the position of Principal Research Nurse.
Sep 2015
Beta Judo Symposium in Cambridge
Recently we hosted a 2 day symposium in which scientists and doctors from across Europe came together to discuss research conducted as part of the Beta Judo Consortium.
Aug 2015
First child with Congenital Leptin Deficiency identified in India
A ten month old baby, referred to us from doctors in Mumbai, is the first patient in India known to have congenital leptin deficiency. There is a safe and very effective treatment for this condition and we hope to be able to begin treating this infant later this year.
Jul 2015
Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowship
Fleur Talbot, a young doctor who has recently joined our team from clinical training in endocrinology, has been successful in her application for a Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowship.
Jun 2015
Summer Newsletter Out Now
Our Summer newsletter is out now. You can read it online by visiting our Newsletters page, or subscribe by email to have it sent to you.
May 2015
Your Gene - SIM1
The second of a series of leaflets giving more detailed information about specific genes is now available (click here to read 'Your Gene - SIM1').
Apr 2015
Facebook - MC4R Group
Exciting news: we are now on Facebook!
One of our MC4R patients has set up a MC4R patient and family support group. It is a 'Private' group so if you are interested, you will have to request to join the group.
Mar 2015
Article in Scientific Journal Cell
Professor Farooqi and Dr Agatha van der Klaauw have written a review article on obesity that has been published in the scientific journal Cell (click here to view).
Mar 2015
Team Success
Recently, Agatha van der Klaauw (Wellcome Trust Clinical Fellow) represented our team at the Academy of Medical Sciences Spring Meeting for Clinician Scientists in Training
Jan 2015
Winter Newsletter Out Now
Our Winter 2014/15 newsletter is out now. You can read it online by visiting our Newsletters page, or subscribe by email to have it sent to you.
Dec 2014
Your Gene - MC4R
The first of a series of leaflets giving more detailed information about specific genes is now available (click here to read 'Your Gene - MC4R').
Dec 2014
Leptin Regulates Blood Pressure
Researchers from the University of Cambridge and Monash University, Australia, have discovered that leptin, a hormone that regulates the amount of fat stored in the body, also affects the increase in blood pressure that comes with weight gain (click here to read).
July 2014
Summer Newsletter Out Now
Our Summer 2014 newsletter is out now. You can read it online by visiting our Newsletters page, or subscribe by email to have it sent to you.